blame.01 - assign culpability
BLAME-V NOTES: The last example seems to leave aside the 'reason' argument, leadingme to believe that should be arg2. But it's pretty much a tossupeither way. (from blame.01-v)BLAME-N NOTES: Roleset based on verb entry blame.01, OntoNotes grouping blame-n senses 1 & 2; maps to VN class judgement-33. Framed by Claire. (from blame.01-n)
blame (v.)
blame (n.)
blame (n.)
ARG0-PAG: blamer
ARG1-PPT: entity blamed
ARG2-PRD: blame for what
ARG1-PPT: entity blamed
ARG2-PRD: blame for what
active, arg1 as DO
The companyARG0
a number of factorsARG1
for the earnings declineARG2
, including softer sales of joint - implantsARGM-ADV
.passivized arg1
Uncertainty about the prospects for further action to curtail stock - index arbitrage ,
a formARG1
of program trading blamedrel
for recent volatility in the marketARG2
, also contributed to its lack of direction , Mr. Puccio said .active, arg2 as DO
And some carriers are facing other unexpected headaches :
, for exampleARGM-DIS
, blamedrel
some of its lossARG2
on merger expenses and on disruptions caused by Hurricane Hugo last monthARG1
.passivized arg2
Much of the instability in stock pricesARG2
has been blamedrel
on arbitrage trading , designed to profit from differences in prices between stocks and index futuresARG1
.deciding case?
lower chemical prices , reduced gasoline margins and refinery maintenance shutdownsARG1
.Arg 1 only
In an Oct. 10 editorial - page article , `` It 's the World Bank 's Turn to Adjust , '' Paul Craig Roberts lays most of the
for what ails developing countriesARG2
at the doorstep of the World Bank .ARG0 and ARG1 and ARG2
So one of you will ask me , `` If God controls what we do ,
does heARG0
for our sinsARG2
? ''Another All Arguments
Reporters are questioning
the governor 'sARG0
of the scandalARG2
on a staff memberARG1