cripple.01 - injure very badly, disable
CRIPPLE-V NOTES: Frames file for 'cripple' based on sentences in wsj. No Verbnet entry at the moment. (from cripple.01-v predicate notes)Aliases:
cripple (v.)
ARG0-PAG: causer, agent
ARG1-PPT: victim
ARG2-MNR: instrument
ARG1-PPT: victim
ARG2-MNR: instrument
passive, no agent
a Soviet bankARG1
here wouldARGM-MOD
be crippledrel
unless Moscow found a way to settle the $ 188 million debt , which was lent to the country 's short - lived democratic Kerensky government before the Communists seized power in 1917ARGM-ADV
.passive with agent
Founded as the Examiner in 1903 by Mr. HearstARGM-ADV
, the HeraldARG1
was crippledrel
by a bitter , decade - long strike that began in 1967 and cut circulation in halfARG0
An 11 - week dispute involving Australia 's 1,640 domestic pilotsARG0
has slashed airline earnings and crippledrel
much of the continent 's tourist industryARG1
.ARG2 and ARG1
Elsewhere in the Middle East , officials from the FBI and the CIA and marine anti - terrorist specialists have arrived in Yemen to investigate
yesterday 's explosionARG2
the US Navy destroyer , ColeARG1