praise.01 - praise
PRAISE-V NOTES: Frames file for 'praise' based on sentences in financial subcorpus.No Verbnet entry. No comparison. (from praise.01-v predicate notes) PRAISE-N NOTES: Roleset based on verb praise.01, VerbNet classes characterize-29.2, judgement-33.1-1-1. Framed by Claire. (from praise.01-n)Aliases:
praise (v.)
praise (n.)
praise (n.)
ARG0-PAG: praiser
ARG1-PPT: praised
ARG2-CAU: reason
ARG1-PPT: praised
ARG2-CAU: reason
no reason
Analysts and consultantsARG0
had mixed reactions to yesterday'sannouncements , praisingrel
Mr. Rifenburgh 's effortsARG1
but questioningwhether the company can survive in a highly competitive marketplace .praise for
Big Board tradersARG0
the Jacobson specialistsARG1
for getting through yesterday without a trading haltARG2
.praise as
Mr. SloanARG0
the companyARG1
as recession resistantARG2
and notesthat it has an annual earnings growth rate of 32 % a year over the pastfive years .Fragment, all arguments
the official 'sARG0
of Clean HarborsARG1
for the quality of some of the data in the reportARG2
Args 0 & 1
He sandwiched
of constitutional meatARG1
between large loaves of bilious commentary .