reinforce.01 - to strengthen
REINFORCE-V NOTES: Frames file for 'reinforce' based on survey of sentences in the WSJ corpus. (from reinforce.01-v predicate notes)REINFORCEMENT-N NOTES: Based on Thyme and Sharp data. Comparison to reinforce.01. No VN class. Framed by Katie. (from reinforcement.01-n)
reinforce (v.)
reinforcement (n.)
reinforcement (n.)
ARG0-PAG: strengthener
ARG1-PPT: thing reinforced
ARG2-MNR: instrument
ARG1-PPT: thing reinforced
ARG2-MNR: instrument
reinforce-v: with instrument
Although the polyester and rayon markets remain mostly bleak , Akzo has high hopes for some emerging fiber businesses , such carbon fibers and aramid ,
extremely strong fibersARG2
used to reinforcerel
tires and metalsARG1
and to make such products as bullet - proof vests .reinforce-v: inanimate causer
Graham Beale , manager of foreign - exchange operations at Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp. in New York , added that
Mrs. Thatcher 's commentsARG0
the market 's growing confidence about sterlingARG1
and compounded the unit 's later decline .reinforce-v: unspecified subject
`` The only response to the challenge being presented to
by the East , '' Mr. Mitterrand told the European Parliament in Strasbourg yesterday , `` is to reinforcerel
and accelerate the union and cohesion of the European CommunityARG1
. ''reinforcemen-n: args 0 and 1
of instructionsARG1
by Dr. SfdsklARG0