snow.01 - weather phenomenon,
SNOW-V NOTES: Comparison with 'rain'. Member of VNcls weather-57. (from snow.01-v)Aliases:
snow (v.)
ARG0-PAG: cause of snow (no empty weather 'it's)
ARG1-PPT: the snow itself
ARG2-LOC: entity, location snowed on; snowy place
ARG1-PPT: the snow itself
ARG2-LOC: entity, location snowed on; snowy place
classic weather construction
He was mildly surprised to find it was
.all args
The big purple cloudsARG0
ice cream flakesARG1
on the childrenARG2
snowy.02 - having snow around, maybe in the air
SNOWY-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on SMS. (from snowy.01-j)Aliases:
snowy (j.)
ARG0-PAG: causer of snowiness
ARG1-PPT: the 'snow' itself (no empty weather 'it's)
ARG2-LOC: snowy location
ARG1-PPT: the 'snow' itself (no empty weather 'it's)
ARG2-LOC: snowy location
So far
good ! I am at my gate and at the moment the flight is on time ! ! It 's soooo snowyrel
though it seems crazy to me that it is n't delayed ! I ll keep yo u posted if anything changes !args 1,2
Here and thereARGM-LOC
the trailARG2
is snowyrel
with tiny white petalsARG1