spark.01 - begin, start, initiate
SPARK-V NOTES: Based on sentences in financial subcorpus. Member of VNcls engender-27. (from spark.01-v)only use Arg2 when it's separate fromthe Arg0. (from spark.01-v)
spark (v.)
spark (n.)
sparking (n.)
spark (n.)
sparking (n.)
ARG0-CAU: cause of starting, agent
ARG1-PPT: thing beginning
ARG2-MNR: instrument, if agent is also present
ARG1-PPT: thing beginning
ARG2-MNR: instrument, if agent is also present
spark-v: active
Dealers said
that interpretationARG0
expectations of an imminent bid by FordARG1
.spark-v: passive
The investment boomARG1
is mainly sparkedrel
, they say , by strong domestic demandARG0
and is n't likely to increase exports sharply .