weave.01 - to interlace as if by weaving, create by weaving
WEAVE-V NOTES: VN class build-26.1. (from weave.01-v)Aliases:
weave (v.)
weaving (n.)
weaving (n.)
ARG0-PAG: weaver
ARG1-VSP: entity woven
ARG2-PRD: product
ARG1-VSP: entity woven
ARG2-PRD: product
weave-v: passive
So glasnost is not
a valueARG1
with steel threadsARGM-MNR
into the fabric of Russian societyARG2
.weave.02 - to move in a zigzagging course
WEAVE-V NOTES: Member of VN classes 47.7, 51.3.2 (from weave.02-v)Aliases:
weave (v.)
weaving (n.)
weaving (n.)
ARG0-PPT: entity moving
ARG1-LOC: path
ARG1-LOC: path
weave-v: participle
A couple in fashionable spandex warm - up suitsARG0
jogs by , headphones jauntily in place , weavingrel
their wayARG1
along a street of fractured and fallen housesARGM-LOC