amend.01 - add to or correct, adding to, correcting
AMEND-V NOTES: Frames file for 'amend' based on sentences in financial subcorpus. No Verbnet entry, no Framenet entry. (from amend.01-v predicate notes)AMENDMENT-N NOTES: Added by Julia based on WN eventive nouns, amend.01. No VNcls. (from amendment.01-n)
Be careful-- if it's refering to a specific Amendment (proper noun), it's refering to that particular idea, not the act of amending, and is not eventive. (from amendment.01-n)
amend (v.)
amendment (n.)
amendment (n.)
ARG0-PAG: amender, corrector
ARG1-PPT: thing amended
ARG2-PRD: secondary predication on arg1
ARG1-PPT: thing amended
ARG2-PRD: secondary predication on arg1
just transitive
The company said
its shareholder rights planARG1
by reducing to 10 % from 20 % the level of ownership by an outsider that would trigger the issuance to other holders of rights to buy additional shares of Nashua common at half priceARGM-MNR
.with secondary predication
PS of New HampshireARG0
its planARG1
to call for two years of 5.5 % rate increases followed by five years of 4.5 % increasesARG2
.args 0, 1
First of all . as I take it from
of S. 7ARG1
, he wants the words " anywhere within Kenya " deleted and the words " within the district or area in which he is appointed " inserted in the place thereof .amendable
amendable.02 - able to be added to, edited
AMENDABLE-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on medi-tmprl1to8. Relation to 'amend.01'. (from amendable.01-j)Aliases:
amendable (j.)
ARG0-PAG: amender, corrector
ARG1-PPT: thing amended
ARG2-PRD: secondary predication on arg1
ARG1-PPT: thing amended
ARG2-PRD: secondary predication on arg1
arg1, MNR
The tumorARG1
was notARGM-NEG
to resection endoscopicallyARGM-MNR