biomineralize.01 - formation of minerals via microorganisms
BIOMINERALIZE-V, BIOMINERALIZATION-N NOTES: Added by Julia for cleareart-biotexts.Aliases:
biomineralize (v.)
biomineralization (n.)
biomineralization (n.)
ARG0-PAG: microorganism
ARG1-PPT: entity biomineralized (body part, tissue)
ARG2-MNR: chemical compound/biproduct produced by microorganism that is responsible for the biomineralization
ARG3-VSP: explicit mention of mineral produced
ARG1-PPT: entity biomineralized (body part, tissue)
ARG2-MNR: chemical compound/biproduct produced by microorganism that is responsible for the biomineralization
ARG3-VSP: explicit mention of mineral produced
biomineralize-v: bovine serum albumin
Silver nanoclusters emitting weak NIR fluorescenceARG1
were biomineralizedrel
In the
of the mollusc shellARG1
, specialized proteins are responsible for directing crystal nucleation , phase , morphology , and growths dynamics and ultimately give the shell its remarkable mechanical strength .