budget.01 - allocate money to some purpose
BUDGET-V NOTES: Frames file for 'budget' based on sentences in wsj; nominal 'budgeting' based on BOLT-7. No Verbnet entry. (from budget.01-v)BUDGETING-N NOTES: Automatically created by Julia as an alias file for unification. (from budgeting.01-n)
budget (v.)
budgeting (n.)
budgeting (n.)
ARG0-PAG: allocator
ARG1-PPT: money
ARG2-PRP: purpose, project
ARG1-PPT: money
ARG2-PRP: purpose, project
budget-v: perspicuous
Hiroshima 's waterworks bureau said
the municipal governmentARG0
had budgetedrel
about 11 million yen ( $ 77,500 )ARG1
for the projectARG2
.budget-v: passivized project
Mitsubishi is also pushing ahead with a controversial plan to redevelop Marunouchi into a business center of high - tech buildings ,
a projectARG1
for 30 years and six trillion yenARG2
.budget-v: passive, different prep
The moveARG2
, budgetedrel
at about $ 7 millionARG1
, actually came in at about $ 10 million , he said .budget-v: just project
Knowledgeable employees said
the retrofittingARG2
, whichR-ARG2
had n'tARGM-NEG
been budgetedrel
, was part of a planned , three - stage reinforcement of the Cypress structure begun by the California transportation department several years ago .budgeting-n
To put it bluntly , making progress while maintaining stability for economic growth means careful calculation and
with a focus on costsARGM-MNR
, avoiding extravagance and waste , and attaching more importance to environment protection during economic construction .