clinical.01 - scientifically detached from emotion
CLINICAL-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT-4,5, comparison to 'casual.01'. (from clinical.01-j)Aliases:
clinical (j.)
ARG0-PAG: emotionally detached entity
ARG1-PPT: situation treated as clinical by arg0
ARG1-PPT: situation treated as clinical by arg0
I just felt like I was
and almost rude , especially with her asking if I wanted her to come back with meARGM-ADV
.both args
was clinicalrel
about AristotleARG1
, I was brimming with Socratic seeds , winked at Hercules and a good sport for telling them about the Olympics and Marathon , as sport is so loved here . I echoed a story about Echo and now I 'm just being narcissistic .arg1
The Yankees ' winARG1
was clinicalrel
rather than spectacularARGM-ADV
.clinical.02 - relating to (patient observation in) clinics
CLINICAL-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on WordNet. (from clinical.02-j)Aliases:
clinical (j.)
ARG1-PPT: thing having to do with clinics
Most ( 73 % ) said
their primary professional focusARG1
was clinicalrel
.done via observation of patients in a clinic
Monitoring during the administration of magnesium sulphate in this trialARG1
was clinicalrel
, and was based on ensuring that respiration was not depressed , the patellar reflex was present , and renal function was adequate .