clown.01 - to act like a clown
CLOWN-V NOTES: Frames file for "clown" and "clown around" based on sentences in ectb2. No VerbNet entry; Comparison with "joke". (from clown.01-v predicate notes)Aliases:
clown (v.)
ARG0-PAG: clown
ARG1-PPT: other party clowning, clown with
ARG2-PPT: subject, joke, clowning about what
ARG1-PPT: other party clowning, clown with
ARG2-PPT: subject, joke, clowning about what
With two parties
The fatherARG0
with his kidsARG1
in the family roomARGM-LOC
clown_around.02 - to act like a clown
CLOWN_AROUND-V NOTES: (from clown.02-v)Identical arguments to "clown." (from clown.02-v)
clown_around (v.)
ARG0-PAG: first joker
ARG1-PPT: other joker, clowned-around-with
ARG2-PPT: clowning around about what? subject, joke
ARG1-PPT: other joker, clowned-around-with
ARG2-PPT: clowning around about what? subject, joke
Agent only
But when they arrived there ,
the workersARG0
formed their own groups , laughing and clowningrel
, and left him to get on with barbecuing the meat .