configure.01 - build, arrange in a particular fashion
CONFIGURE-V NOTES: Created by Claire (from configure.01-v)CONFIGURATION-N NOTES: Corresponds to configure.01. Framed by anwen April 2011 (from configuration.01-n)
It is probably unlikely all arguments will appear, but they are present so as to be consistent with similar PB verbs. (from configure.01-v)
the rel cannot be its own argument (if you think the rel should be its own Arg4, for example, it's not an eventive noun) (from configuration.01-n)
configuration (n.)
configure (v.)
configure (v.)
ARG0-PAG: agent, builder
ARG1-PPT: construction, item/material being configured
ARG2-VSP: start state, material from which arg1 is configured
ARG3-GOL: benefactive, configured for whom?
ARG4-PRD: end state, product of configuration when separate mention from arg 1
ARG1-PPT: construction, item/material being configured
ARG2-VSP: start state, material from which arg1 is configured
ARG3-GOL: benefactive, configured for whom?
ARG4-PRD: end state, product of configuration when separate mention from arg 1
Passive, with purpose
The highway designARG1
is configuredrel
to give drivers options about whether to pay the higher rates or get off the roadARGM-PRP
Leslie 'sARG0
of the wood blocksARG1
looked a lot like a fort .