contaminate.01 - befoul
CONTAMINATE-V NOTES: Do try to distinguish between agent/source of contamination and thecontaminant itself; this will result in some Arg2's being subjects. (from contaminate.01-v)CONTAMINATION-N NOTES: Corresponds to contaminate.01. Framed by anwen april 2011 (from contamination.01-n)
contaminate (v.)
contamination (n.)
contamination (n.)
ARG0-PAG: causer of contamination
ARG1-GOL: thing becoming contaminated
ARG2-PPT: contaminant
ARG1-GOL: thing becoming contaminated
ARG2-PPT: contaminant
contaminate-v: transitive
At stake was an $ 80,000 settlement involving who should pay what share of cleanup costs at the site of a former gas station , where
underground fuel tanksARG0
had leaked and contaminatedrel
the soilARG1
A fund will be established to clean up future cases of
soil and groundwaterARG1
The dirty hippies 'ARG0
of YosemiteARG1
with Giardia from their hippie dogsARG2
caused the stream water to not be drinkable .