defray.01 - to pay or furnish money for costs/expenses
DEFRAY-V NOTES: Frames file for 'defray' based on survey of sentences in Webtext 2.5-2. No VerbNet entry. Comparison with 'furnish.' (from defray.01-v predicate notes)Aliases:
defray (v.)
ARG0-PAG: supplier, agent
ARG1-PPT: entity furnished, usually expenses/money
ARG2-VSP: expenses costs of what? entity purchased when separate mention from arg 1.
ARG1-PPT: entity furnished, usually expenses/money
ARG2-VSP: expenses costs of what? entity purchased when separate mention from arg 1.
Typical Transitive
If they are not claimed in seven days , they are sent far away to the Neverland *PRO* to
.ARG0: *PRO*
With Arg 2 embedded in arg 1
were able to charge travelers using the turnpike and defrayrel
the costs of upkeep and improvement of the roadARG1