delight.01 - make happy, direct
DELIGHT-V NOTES: Frames file for 'delight' based on sentences in financial subcorpus and automatic expansion via verbnet; Adjectival 'delighted' based on BOLT-6. (from delight.01-v)Aliases:
delight (v.)
ARG0-PAG: agent, pleaser, pleasing thing
ARG1-PPT: patient, entity pleased
ARG2-MNR: instrumental (if in addition to arg0)
ARG1-PPT: patient, entity pleased
ARG2-MNR: instrumental (if in addition to arg0)
all args
Mr. Corry expected
the Texas Oil & Gas saleARG0
to delightrel
Mr. IcahnARG1
by addressing his concern about boosting shareholder valueARG2
.Adjectival rel: delighted
In face of them running around on sinister errands in an increasingly anxious manner ,
need to be calm and learn to be delightedrel
to see and hear itARG0