deplore.01 - anti-admire
DEPLORE-V NOTES: Member of VNcls admire-31.2. (from deplore.01-v)Aliases:
deplore (v.)
ARG0-PPT: despiser
ARG1-CAU: thing despised
ARG1-CAU: thing despised
pretty easy
Mr. GelbartARG0
the obfuscation , the circumlocution and the debasement of language he sees on all sidesARG1
deplorable.02 - worthy of loathing
DEPLORABLE-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT-7. (from deplorable.01-j)Aliases:
deplorable (j.)
ARG0-PPT: loather
ARG1-CAU: thing that is loathe
ARG1-CAU: thing that is loathe
both args
To those graduate studentsARG0
, it is notARGM-NEG
to become municipal administration workers , or to abandon their specialty studiesARG1
. Rather , it is more dreadful not to squeeze into the system after working hard in their studies .