express.01 - say
EXPRESS-V NOTES: Based on financial subcorpus. Comparison with 'say'. Member of reflexive_appearance-48.1.2. (from express.01-v)EXPRESSION-N NOTES: Based on sentences in nouns-00040. Comparison to express.01. VN class reflexive_appearance-48.1.2. FN classes expressing_publicly and encoding. Framed by Katie. (from expression.01-n)
express (v.)
expression (n.)
expression (n.)
ARG0-PAG: speaker
ARG1-PPT: utterance
ARG2-GOL: hearer
ARG1-PPT: utterance
ARG2-GOL: hearer
express-v: no hearer
Mr. HarperARG0
confidence that he and Mr. Baum can convince the board of their worthiness to run the companyARG1
.expression-n: Arg 0 in a pp
It had "
of interest of a transactionARG1
from both the borrowers and the banksARG0
, " but did n't have an agreementexpression-n: Yes, this could be either arg 0 or arg 1, but the higher arg is going to trump the lower one.
a "
- expressionrel
"expression-n: Arg 1 only
of government information transparencyARG1
express.02 - send very quickly
EXPRESS-V NOTES: Member of VNcls send-11.1-1. (from express.02-v)Aliases:
express (v.)
ARG0-PAG: sender
ARG1-PPT: thing sent
ARG2-GOL: sent-to
ARG1-PPT: thing sent
ARG2-GOL: sent-to
express-v: FedEx
his Christmas listARG1
to the North PoleARG2
.express.03 - biological expression (usually of a gene)
Based on AMR bio-medical annotation. Framed by Ulf and Katie. No VN class. This is a narrow sense. Both the noun and verb are consistent with FN class encoding but the class is too braod for this sense to function in all required situations.Aliases:
express (v.)
expression (n.)
expression (n.)
ARG1-PAG: gene, expressor
ARG2-PPT: protein, expressed material
ARG3-LOC: cell, organ, location
ARG2-PPT: protein, expressed material
ARG3-LOC: cell, organ, location
express-v: Be careful! Genes are expressed via protiens, so when 'gene' or 'protein' is isn't explicitly mentioned this can be confusing!
The glucose-6 phosphatase geneARG1
is expressedrel
in the human and rat small intestineARG3
.express-v: The gene causing the protein to be produced isn't explicitly mentioned here is implicitly understood
The steroid receptor RNA activator proteinARG2
is expressedrel
in breast tumor tissuesARG3
expression-n: this frame can be used for more other biological expression
These data support the feasibility of
of a foreign antigen from multiple integration sitesARG2