garland.01 - lay a garland over
GARLAND-V NOTES: Automatically created based on framefiles: 'feather' (9.9), 'festoon' (9.8); Hand-corrected by Claire. Member of VNcls butter-9.9, fill-9.8 (from garland.01-v)Aliases:
garland (v.)
ARG0-PAG: agent, garland-placer
ARG1-GOL: entity ornamented by garland, where placed
ARG2-PPT: garland itself, type of garland
ARG1-GOL: entity ornamented by garland, where placed
ARG2-PPT: garland itself, type of garland
What's Garci? Passive, descriptive usage
A woman danced on the riverbank as
, garlandedrel
in marigoldsARG2
, sprinkled Garci .Transitive, no Arg2
As leaders of various groups arrivedARGM-TMP
, theyARG0
a deity of Srila Prabhupada placed at one end of the courtyardARG1