glory.01 - feel glory, awe, inspiring awe
GLORY-V NOTES: Automatically created based on framefiles: fear (31.3). Edited by hwangd (from glory.01-v)GLORIOUS-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT. (from glorious.01-j)
glory (v.)
glorious (j.)
glorious (j.)
ARG0-PPT: entity experiencing awe, glory
ARG1-PAG: glorious thing, thing gloried in
ARG1-PAG: glorious thing, thing gloried in
All args
The children of JacobARG0
over JosephARG1
I am sorry to doze off and miss the day , but I must say
that napARG1
was gloriousrel
! # # # # # # may be on to something with those : -RRB- .