housesit.01 - to take care of someone's house
HOUSESIT-N NOTES: Roleset based on instances in BOLT P01. Loose comparison to verb entry babysit.01. No VN, FN. (from housesit.01-n)HOUSE-SITTING-N NOTES: Automatically added alias.
housesit (v.)
housesit (n.)
house-sitting (n.)
do_housesit (l.)
housesit (n.)
house-sitting (n.)
do_housesit (l.)
ARG0-PAG: caretaker
ARG1-PPT: house
ARG2-GOL: beneficiary, housesit for whom?
ARG1-PPT: house
ARG2-GOL: beneficiary, housesit for whom?
do_housesit-l: probably the only instance -- LVC
My parentsARG0
have chosen to doARGM-LVB
this housesitrel
, I really do n't mind but I 'm not sure I want to go over , walk the dog and sit in a stranger 's house for a couple of hours to pass the time .