inconvenience.01 - (cause to) become inconvenienced
INCONVENIENCE-V NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT. No VNcls. Comparison to 'put_out.14'. (from inconvenience.01-v)Aliases:
inconvenience (v.)
ARG0-PAG: cause/agent
ARG1-PPT: experiencer of inconvenience
ARG2-VSP: thing that is inconvenient; (about what) (if separate from arg0)
ARG1-PPT: experiencer of inconvenience
ARG2-VSP: thing that is inconvenient; (about what) (if separate from arg0)
args 1, 2
are often worried about threats and are inconveniencedrel
about appearing in courtARG2
.inconvenience.02 - put out, not suited to comfort/needs
INCONVENIENCE-N NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT-6. (from inconvenience.01-n)INCONVENIENT-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT-6, relation to convenient.01. (from inconvenient.01-j)
inconvenience (n.)
inconvenient (j.)
inconvenient (j.)
ARG0-PAG: cause/agent
ARG1-PPT: experiencer of inconvenience
ARG2-VSP: thing that is inconvenient; (about what) (if separate from arg0)
ARG1-PPT: experiencer of inconvenience
ARG2-VSP: thing that is inconvenient; (about what) (if separate from arg0)
nominal rel: inconvenience
Although other companies pay off the money several times slower than they do -LRB- usually one week -RRB- , for the materials and procedures of the compensation claims , they consider the
for the car ownersARG1
, and they are not so strict .concatenation of arg0
In connecting the filter tips to cigarettes , because
adheres to knives and is inconvenientrel
to cutC-ARG0
, we daub the knives with silicone oil -LRB- another carcinogen