inherit.01 - get from predecessor
INHERIT-V NOTES: Frames file for 'inherit' based on sentences in wsj. Verbnet entry 13.5.2. (from inherit.01-v predicate notes)INHERITANCE-N NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT, inherit.01, WN sense #1. Corresponds to VNcls obtain-13.5.2. (from inheritance.01-n)
watch out for usages that describe the thing obtained itself, rather than the act of obtaining. These are not eventive! (from inheritance.01-n)
inherit (v.)
inheritance (n.)
inheritance (n.)
ARG0-PAG: inheritor
ARG1-PPT: inheritance
ARG2-DIR: predecessor
ARG1-PPT: inheritance
ARG2-DIR: predecessor
no predecessor
Taking over as chief executive officer in 1983ARGM-ADV
, heARG0
a company that was mired in debt and hurt by a recession - inspired slide in its building - products businessARG1
.all args
Dr. Knudson found that
some children with the eye cancerARG0
had inheritedrel
a damaged copy of chromosome No . 13ARG1
from a parent who had had the diseaseARG2
Like all genesARGM-ADV
, tumor - suppressor genesARG1
are inheritedrel
in two copies , one from each parentARGM-MNR
.args 0, 1
Gloucester ends up thinking that his legitimate son , Edgar , has been scheming to kill him in order to hasten
of Gloucester 's wealth and landsARG1
When he donated his inheritance of $ 1 million , what was his net worth ?
with arg2 and oblique arg0
What is the role of protein in the
of genesARG1
from parentsARG2
to offspringARG0