jail.01 - put in jail
JAIL-V NOTES: Based on sentences in wsj. VN class pocket-9.10. FN class imprisonment. Updated by Katie 12/10 (from jail.01-v)Aliases:
jail (v.)
ARG0-PAG: court, judge, jury
ARG1-PPT: criminal
ARG2-TMP: term
ARG3-CAU: cause, misdeed
ARG1-PPT: criminal
ARG2-TMP: term
ARG3-CAU: cause, misdeed
with term
Four years agoARGM-TMP
, heARG0
all nine members of the Cambria County School BoardARG1
for several hoursARG2
after they defied his order to extend the school year by several weeksARGM-TMP
to make up for time lost during a teachers ' strikeARGM-PRP
.with crime
And so it seems to be with the case of Elizabeth Morgan ,
the Washington , D.C. , plastic surgeonARG1
in a child custody caseARGM-LOC
for refusing to reveal the whereabouts of her daughterARG3