multiply.01 - increase
MULTIPLY-V NOTES: Frames file for 'multiply' based on sentences in wsj and automaticexpansion via verbnet.I'm rather doubting now that start and end points will be mentioned,making this verb more analogous to the 'mathematics' sense of 'add'than the 'increase' set of verbs. (from multiply.01-v predicate notes)Aliases:
multiply (v.)
ARG0-PAG: causer of increase, agent
ARG1-PPT: thing increasing or multiplier
ARG2-EXT: amount increased by, EXT or multiplicand
ARG3-DIR: start point
ARG4-GOL: end point or product
ARG1-PPT: thing increasing or multiplier
ARG2-EXT: amount increased by, EXT or multiplicand
ARG3-DIR: start point
ARG4-GOL: end point or product
But he cautioned that Westmoreland 's third quarter is typically better than the fourth , so
`` shouldARGM-MOD
the third quarterARG1
by fourARG2
'' and assume the same rate of improvement can be sustained .careful with passives
The uncertaintyARG1
was multipliedrel
by the persistent strength of the dollarARG0
, traders said .also ergative
such highly leveraged transactionsARG1
seemed to have multipliedrel
this yearARGM-TMP
, casting a pall over much of the junk marketARGM-ADV