parallel.01 - follow the same trajectory, have axes with identical slopes, align with metaphorically
PARALLEL NOTES: pragmatic arguments 3,4 added for spatialAMR.PARALLEL-V NOTES: (from parallel.01-v)
parallel (v.)
parallel (j.)
parallel (j.)
ARG0-SE1: figure
ARG1-SE2: ground
ARG2-AXS1: ARG1's parallel axis
ARG3-AXS2: ARG2's parallel axis
ARG1-SE2: ground
ARG2-AXS1: ARG1's parallel axis
ARG3-AXS2: ARG2's parallel axis
parallel-v: normally active
But , analysts say ,
Asian cooperationARG0
is n't likely to parallelrel
the European Common Market approachARG1
.parallel-v: ARG0 and ARG1
The emerging areas in Asia will still witness the most rapid growth , where
the growth rateARG0
is expected to parallelrel
that of the last centuryARG1
in mid-1990 'sARGM-TMP
Now attach two more blue blocks to the top two
to the groundARG1
.(a / attach-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (b / block :quant 2 :color (b2 / blue) :mod (m / more)) :ARG2 (t / thing :quant 2 :ARG2-of (t2 / top-06 :ARG3 (c2 / cartesian-framework-91 :ARG1 (b3 / build-space)))) :time (n / now) :manner (p / parallel-01 :ARG0 (c / composite-entity :consist-of b) :ARG1 (g / ground)))