payout.01 - provide a payout
PAYOUT-V NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT. No VNcls. Same as pay.03 (pay_out) (from payout.01-v)Aliases:
payout (v.)
payout (n.)
make_payout (l.)
payout (n.)
make_payout (l.)
ARG0-PAG: payer or buyer
ARG1-PPT: money (or similar)
ARG2-GOL: recipient of payout
ARG3-PRP: commodity, paid for what
ARG1-PPT: money (or similar)
ARG2-GOL: recipient of payout
ARG3-PRP: commodity, paid for what
payout-v: Intransitive
The banks etc now have to reply within 8 weeks of sending the form , sadly , there 's no deadline
in whichARGM-TMP
have to payoutrel
once they 've accepted liability and you 've accepted their offerARGM-TMP
.payout-v: with arg1
How long does
the insuranceARG0
have to payoutrel
my claimARG1
after we have agreed on a priceARGM-TMP