pigeonhole.01 - to assign to a definite place in an orderly system
PIGEONHOLE-V NOTES: Framed by Claire (from pigeonhole.01-v)Aliases:
pigeonhole (v.)
ARG0-PAG: agent, person assigning another entity a definite role/place
ARG1-PPT: entity pigeonholed, assigned a role/place
ARG2-PRD: pigenholed as what? role or position assigned/describing arg 1
ARG1-PPT: entity pigeonholed, assigned a role/place
ARG2-PRD: pigenholed as what? role or position assigned/describing arg 1
Facts show that
as long as the two sides are willing to talkARGM-ADV
, the issuesARG1
will not be pigeonholedrel