postpone.01 - delay
POSTPONE-V NOTES: Frames file for 'postpone' based on sentences in financial subcorpus. No Verbnet entry, Framenet entry Relative time. Other framed members include delay. Comparison with delay. (from postpone.01-v predicate notes)POSTPONEMENT-N NOTES: Roleset based on verb postpone.01, no mapping to VN. Framed by Claire. (from postponement.01-n)
Arg 2: "delay itself" is duration of delay NOT cause of delay, this would be argm-CAU (from postpone.01-v)
postponement (n.)
postpone (v.)
postpone (v.)
ARG0-PAG: agent, causer of delay
ARG1-PPT: event delayed
ARG2-EXT: delay itself, EXT, time period, how long arg 1 was delayed for
ARG3-DIR: original time
ARG4-GOL: new time
ARG1-PPT: event delayed
ARG2-EXT: delay itself, EXT, time period, how long arg 1 was delayed for
ARG3-DIR: original time
ARG4-GOL: new time
just transitive
A state judgeARG0
a decision on a move by holders of Telerate Inc. to block the tender offer of Dow Jones & Co. for the 33 % of Telerate it does n't already ownARG1
.with MNR
Separately , the Ontario Supreme Court said
a ruling on the lawsuit launched by the University of Toronto against Connaught in connection with the Merieux bidARG1
.start and end points
TW 's stockholder meetingARG1
was postponedrel
from tomorrowARG3
to Nov. 21ARG4
.Fragment, Args 1, 2, and cause
five - dayARG2
of the flightARG1
because of a faulty engine computerARG0
Arg 1 only
Assyrians are so determined and the government is so determined , to meet all the deadlines and to not get any
of this uh political processARG1
...Args 1, 3, 4
Observers say that the
of electionsARG1
from January 2011ARG3
to April 2011ARG4
has done a big blow on Jonathan .