Rolesets - recase


recase.01 - to put or enclose in a case, again

RECASE-V NOTES: Frames file for 're-case' based on instances in Webtext 2.5-2. No VerbNet entry for prefixed form. 'Case' is VerbNet entry 9.10. (from recase.01-v predicate notes)


recase (v.)
re-case (v.)


ARG0-PAG: packer
ARG1-PPT: thing packed, again
ARG2-LOC: case, location

re-case-v: Transitive

According to reports , in recent days
the city of ChangshaARG0
has used 24 karat gold to
a 7.1 m tall statue of Mao ZedongARG1
and , to form a complete set , also has constructed a four - thousand - square - meter Gold Statue Square to provide people a place to commemorate and relax . )