reconsider.01 - think about again
RECONSIDER-V NOTES: This is not a remapping from 'consider', because 'reconsider' cannottake a secondary predicate: John is considered an idiot, but not Johnis reconsidered an idiot. (from reconsider.01-v)Aliases:
reconsider (v.)
reconsideration (n.)
reconsideration (n.)
ARG0-PAG: considerer
ARG1-PPT: thing thought about
ARG1-PPT: thing thought about
almost always infinitival
`` Perhaps if my personal matters can be resolved with Laurel bank in the near future ,
may be inclined to reconsiderrel
your requestARG1
... ''with grounds
Britain and all of EuropeARG0
need to reconsiderrel
the prospects for European integrationARG1
in light of the possible reunification and neutralization of GermanyARGM-CAU