repurchase.01 - purchase again
REPURCHASE-V NOTES: Roleset based on instances in wsj-nw. Framed by Claire; comparison to purchase.01. (from repurchase.01-v)REPURCHASE-N NOTES: Roleset based on parallel expansion to verbs. Framed by Claire. (from repurchase.01-n)
For additional examples, see purchase.01. (from repurchase.01-v)
repurchase (n.)
repurchase (v.)
repurchase (v.)
ARG0-PAG: purchaser
ARG1-PPT: thing purchased
ARG2-DIR: seller, purchased-from
ARG3-VSP: price paid
ARG4-GOL: beneficiary, repurchased-for
ARG1-PPT: thing purchased
ARG2-DIR: seller, purchased-from
ARG3-VSP: price paid
ARG4-GOL: beneficiary, repurchased-for
Args 0 & 1
Trinova , which had 34.2 million common shares outstanding Sept. 30ARG0
, had repurchasedrel
29,700 sharesARG1
since October 1987ARGM-TMP
before this latest announcementARGM-TMP
.Args 0 & 1
A US judge has dismissed a case against AOL and some of its top execs over
of millions of sharesARG1
in 2011ARGM-TMP