roadwork.01 - build or repair a road
Roadwork-N NOTES: Roleset based on verb entry work.01 and fieldwork.01. Likely only LVC usage is truly eventive. Arguments such as ‘employee’ and ‘coworker’ may be unlikely but are grammatical. Examples including both are found in COCA and on google. Args 2 and 3 were retained to be consistent with work.01. Use work.01 when ‘roadwork’ is NOT a single word. Framed by Katie.Aliases:
roadwork (n.)
ARG0-PAG: worker
ARG1-PPT: job, project, research
ARG2-GOL: employer
ARG3-COM: coworker
ARG1-PPT: job, project, research
ARG2-GOL: employer
ARG3-COM: coworker
Worker only, within LVC
Men in hard hatsARG0
.With Args 2 and 3
A manARG0
in an yellow vest doingARGM-LVB
with another manARG3
for the State of FloridaARG2