make_scene.01 - hullabaloo, commotion, fuss
MAKE_SCENE-M NOTES: Added by Tim/Julia during MWE framing.Aliases:
make_scene (m.)
cause_scene (m.)
create_scene (m.)
cause_scene (m.)
create_scene (m.)
ARG0-PAG: thrower of tantrum, causer of ruckus
ARG1-PPT: attribute of the tantrum
ARG2-CAU: topic or reason for the scene
ARG1-PPT: attribute of the tantrum
ARG2-CAU: topic or reason for the scene
make_scene-m: be in
Its embarrassing to walk into a place and have
a scenerel
about youARG2
My sister [ 23F ]ARG0
is causingrel
a scenerel
because I [ 28F ] am skipping her wedding in favor of my sister - in - law 's [ 29F ] weddingARG2