severe.01 - extreme, ext
SEVERE-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT-4,5. (from severe.01-j)Aliases:
severe (j.)
ARG1-PPT: thing graded as extreme
I think the perception is that PS workers are paying quite a heavy price for mismangement which has resulted in
the cutsARG1
being soARGM-EXT
, in such a short space of timeARGM-TMP
, rather than a gradual changeARGM-ADV
.severe.02 - strict, harsh (behavior)
SEVERE-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on WordNet. (from severe.02-j)Aliases:
severe (j.)
ARG0-PAG: strict one
ARG1-PPT: strict action/thing, strict about what
ARG2-GOL: target of strict behavior
ARG1-PPT: strict action/thing, strict about what
ARG2-GOL: target of strict behavior
args 0, 1
In private lettersARGM-LOC
, sheARG0
was severerel
in her criticismsARG1
And You Thought
MY Makeup PolicyARG1
Was Severerel