sponge.01 - to gather sponges (the sea creature)
SPONGE-V NOTES: Frames file for 'sponge' based on dictionary.com. Verbnet entry 13.7. frame by Perryn (from sponge.01-v)Aliases:
sponge (v.)
ARG0-PAG: agent or causer
ARG1-PPT: entity gathered
ARG2-LOC: gathered into
ARG3-GOL: beneficiary
ARG1-PPT: entity gathered
ARG2-LOC: gathered into
ARG3-GOL: beneficiary
hold your breath
The fishermanARG0
for loofasARG1
.sponge.02 - act like a sponge, leach off some entity
SPONGE-V NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT. Comparison to leach.01. No VNcls. (from sponge.02-v)Aliases:
sponge (v.)
ARG0-PAG: entity acting like a sponge/leach
ARG1-PPT: thing gained, ("absorbed")
ARG2-DIR: source, entity taken advantage of
ARG1-PPT: thing gained, ("absorbed")
ARG2-DIR: source, entity taken advantage of
args 0, 2
To those whom the welfare state is the biggest concern I think the problem arises from the fact that there are already
too many english peopleARG0
off the stateARG2
and if we add any more people be it immigrants or " britons " our state of government would collapse and then our economy .