sustain.01 - continue
SUSTAIN-V NOTES: Frames file for 'sustain' based on sentences in financial subcorpus. No access to verbnet. Comparison with 'continue'. (from sustain.01-v predicate notes)Aliases:
sustain (v.)
ARG0-PAG: Intentional agent (often inanimate, though)
ARG1-PPT: thing continuing
ARG1-PPT: thing continuing
keep on truckin'
He predicted that the most popular growth companies will be those with `` some kind of unique product or franchise '' that makes
appear able to sustainrel
their momentumARG1
.non agentive sustainer
Treasury officials have been arguing for months that the dollar 's strength was out of whack with economic fundamentals , threatening to extinguish
the export boomARG0
has sustainedrel
for several yearsARGM-TMP
.sustain.02 - suffer (a loss)
SUSTAIN-V NOTES: Frames file for 'sustain' based on sentences in financial subcorpus. No access to verbnet. Comparison with 'continue'. (from sustain.02-v predicate notes)Aliases:
sustain (v.)
ARG0-PAG: entity suffering a loss
ARG1-PPT: the loss
ARG1-PPT: the loss
oh, the tragedy
Richard Rifenburgh , chairman and chief executive of the Longmont , Colo. , disk - drive maker , also said
the companyARG0
continued losing money in the third quarter and expects to sustainrel
further lossesARG1
through the end of the yearARGM-TMP
sustainable.03 - able to be continued
SUSTAINABLE-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT-7. Relation to 'sustain.01'. (from sustainable.01-j)Aliases:
sustainable (j.)
ARG0-PAG: agent
ARG1-PPT: thing continuing
ARG1-PPT: thing continuing
This is also an important reason why economists have warned that
China 's current growth patternARG1
is notARGM-NEG
.sustainable.04 - able to be suffered (losses)
SUSTAINABLE-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT-7. Relation to 'sustain.01'. (from sustainable.02-j)Aliases:
sustainable (j.)
ARG0-PAG: entity suffering a loss
ARG1-PPT: the loss
ARG1-PPT: the loss
these financial lossesARG1
were sustainablerel
, the reputational loss was not , and a bank 's reputation is right up there with its bottom line .