tackle.01 - to deal with
TACKLE-V NOTES: VN updated by Julia, 10/2010. Member of VNcls confront-98 (from tackle.01-v)TACKLE-N NOTES: Based on ontonotes nouns. Comparison to tackle.01-v. Tackle.01-v is a member o VN class confront-98. Framed by Katie. (from tackle.01-n)
tackle (v.)
tackle (n.)
tackle (n.)
ARG0-PAG: tackler, entity dealing with something, agent
ARG1-PPT: thing tackled
ARG2-MNR: means, strategy
ARG1-PPT: thing tackled
ARG2-MNR: means, strategy
arbitrary subject
With lipsticks , liners , lotions and creams , There are still
beauty plansARG1
left to tacklerel
: But as the years go by , it seems That before I paint , I should spackle .transitive
The programARG0
is n't afraid to tacklerel
controversial topics such as nuclear weapons and the environmentARG1
.with Arg2
International Business Machines Corp. unveiled
a broad strategyARG2
to tacklerel
the biggest problem that manufacturers face when computerizing their operations : Most machines ca n't talk to each otherARG1
.how is this a noun exactly?
Steven BerleARG0
that issue in " After How America Confronted the September 12th Era . "ARG1