thread.01 - move or cause to move in a non-linear fashion
THREAD-V NOTES: Framed by Ben. VN updated by Julia, 10/2010. Member of Vncls tape-22.4. (from thread.01-v)Aliases:
thread (v.)
ARG0-PAG: causer of motion
ARG1-PPT: thing in motion
ARG2-PPT: medium of threading
ARG1-PPT: thing in motion
ARG2-PPT: medium of threading
subject as arg0 + arg1
Often ,
through the overcastARG2
, heARG0
was forced to fly close to the ground by a low ceiling , skimming above the Winooski or the White River along the line of the broken railroad .subject as arg0
He thought how
this dainty , fragile older womanARG0
her wayARG1
through the streets of WestminsterARG2
on a day in June , enjoying the flowers in the shops , the greetings from old friends , but never really drawing a deep , passionate breath , was so like himself .subject as arg1
His eyesARG2
were threadedrel
by little filaments of redARG1
as if tiny veins had burst and flooded blood into them .