undervalue.01 - establish a cost, value that's too low
UNDERVALUE-V NOTES: Frames file for 'undervalue' based on blind transformation of 'value' frameset and adaptation based on sentences in financial subcorpus. (from undervalue.01-v predicate notes)Aliases:
undervalue (v.)
ARG0-PAG: entity establishing value
ARG1-PPT: commodity being valued
ARG2-EXT: difference from proper value, EXT
ARG1-PPT: commodity being valued
ARG2-EXT: difference from proper value, EXT
While some assets have been written down ,
are undervaluedrel
in the accountsARGM-LOC
, Mr. Bond maintained .passive with margin
An investment in Chile 's telephone company is carried at US$ 300 million but really worth US$ 500 million , and
the company 's property portfolioARG1
is undervaluedrel
by at least A$ 250 millionARG2
, Mr. Bond said .