warn.01 - give a warning
WARN-V NOTES: Frames file for 'warn' based on sentences in financial subcorpus. Comparison with 'advise'. Member of Vncls advise-37.9-1. (from warn.01-v)WARNING-N NOTES: Added due to expansion of Nombank. Comparison to 'warn.01'. Vn class advise-37.9-1. No Fn class. Framed by Katie. (from warning.01-n)
Args 1 and 2 are reversed from 'advise' but follow the pattern of'say' etc. (from warn.01-v)
warn (v.)
warning (n.)
warning (n.)
ARG0-PAG: entity giving warning
ARG1-PPT: warning, impelled action
ARG2-GOL: entity getting warning, impelled agent
ARG1-PPT: warning, impelled action
ARG2-GOL: entity getting warning, impelled agent
just the warning
Two antitrust agencies may face further cutbacks because of a complicated new funding deviceARG1
, some Democrats in CongressARG0
are warningrel
.with entity warned
The issue has come to a boil in Newark , N.J. , where
federal prosecutorsARG0
have warnedrel
lawyers for Eddie AntarARG2
that if the founder and former chairman of Crazy Eddie Inc. is indicted , the government may move to seize the money that Mr. Antar is using to pay legal feesARG1
.warning as PP
Bay Financial Corp.ARG0
, Boston , whichR-ARG0
has been reporting big losses and warningrel
of a possible bankruptcy - law filingARG1
, said it was sued by a holder .warning as infinitive
Mr. Thompson projected that
's statement of intent could simply be a means of warningrel
to ease up on price - cutting or face a costly and fruitless battleARG1
.ARG0 and ARG2
Beside a road in Emei Rural Township in Hsinchu , the kind of
narrow , winding mountain roadARGM-LOC
need to beep your horn continually to warnrel
possible oncoming cars around the cornerARG2
, in the home that he and his wife Shen Tung - ching built with their own hands , just next to a pond surrounded by all kinds of large trees , Cheng Yung - gwo dreams of himself sitting with a group of friends and colleagues around a fire , " alternately firing pottery and drinking wine . "With an about phrase as arg 1
to American touristsARG2
about a rogue elephant charging visitorsARG1
Arg 1 as actual thing your warned about
Arg 0
war hero Dwight Eisenhower 'sARG0
about the influence of the pentagonARG1